Living in the Past vs Investing in the Future

I don't know about you lot, but ever since I turned 20, there has been such an emphasis on 'investing in the future.'

  • Improve your financial literacy - that will help you in the future

  • Listen to a podcast / read a book everyday - that will give you knowledge that will help you in the future

  • Get your career sorted - that will help you in the future

  • Find a partner and settle down - that will help you in the future

There is so much emphasis on this 'future' element that I recently felt like I was forgetting to live in the present.

Now I'm not saying we shouldn't do all of the above and just completely run wild. Let's be somewhat responsible lads. But like many things in life, it is all about balance. When my mindset was purely focused on the future, I couldn't help feeling anxious or stressed that my life had not 'sorted out' itself yet. What does this even mean? What does 'sorted out' look like?!

It also made me feel like I HAD to do things, just because of the possibility of 'future me' thanking me for it. For example, there was a point where I felt like I was almost forcing myself to post a video once a week, just so I could keep that consistency and keep growing. Future me would thank me for it.

Honestly, there was a moment in the last month or so, where I missed posting a video for one week. I felt a little weird about it at first, but then I realised instead I prioritised living in the present. Having a good time with my family and friends was something I needed more in that moment, rather than forcing myself to do things just because I felt like I had to.

Like I said it's all about balance - the last two weekends I was out and about, the next two weekends I'm having a chill one; I'm catching up on everything I have to. But the main thing here is, because I gave myself that break away, I WANT to catch up on everything. I'm getting my content creating mojo back slowly, as well as all those things that future me would thank me for.

So living in the present and investing in the future does not have to be a dichotomy (shout out English Lit A level for teaching me that word). I've personally found a balance between the two the most beneficial for me.

A few of you may ask, Sim what about living in the past? I'm not going to lie, the reason why I didn't give this as much thought in today's newsletter is because I (fortunately) never really do look at the past. Of course, I've taken my lessons from the past and applied them to my present self, and aim to apply it to the future too. But I am someone who truly has no regrets in life, because I believe in treating them like lessons instead. I've got a 'what's happened, has happened' mindset. I hope that makes sense :)


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