How to Live vs How to make a Living
I had a big revelation recently...I've been learning about how to make a living, but not learning about how to live.
This is deep I know, but hear me out 🚨
I started content creating with the purpose of helping people out, and that objective still remains. Authentic and practical advice about the career as a solicitor remains at the core of what I want to do. However, as I started growing more and more on social media, the monetisation aspect did creep in. That's me being 100% honest. I hear of influencers who say everything they do is for 'their community, or their people' and honestly I struggle to believe that. Money always plays a part, in my opinion. Always. And I'm not afraid to say that one thing that motivates me to keep growing, is so I can earn an income out of it one day.
So I've spent all this time learning about social media strategies, financial investments and having side hustles. Everything about how to make a living. Telling myself that I want a comfortable life at 30.
But then I started thinking recently - what does comfortable even look like? When does the hustle stop? I've spent all this time learning about how to make a living, but not how to live.
I was talking to a writer this week about my busy schedule next week (one of my best friends has a whole birthday week planned!) I expressed how I was excited for it, but worried about how the week could eat up into time where I could be working instead (and earning that bread). He told me something very important. 'When you look back at your fondest memories of the year, what do you want to remember more? Your best friend's birthday week or you sat there editing a YouTube video? It was definitely the former for me.
I think that's one attitude I'd like to adopt going forward. Yes working hard is important, but I don't want to overdo it, to the extent that if I was to become an absolute baller, I'd have no idea how to celebrate the life I created for myself.